Choose Your Adventure
Choose A Region Of The World
Southeast Asia? Eastern Europe? Central America? GLOBE can take you there.
The GLOBE program allows students to customize their education by developing experience in a region of the world. Our students combine coursework, language, a global internship, and a senior research project catered to their interests.
Choose A Language to Learn
Learning a foreign language allows students to be successful during their immersion internship experience. Languages offered at ISU include:
Spanish -
Choose Your Area of Expertise
Completing one of 26 majors or 24 minors offered by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences helps our students establish a technical expertise. The combination of a technical skill and a global education make our students competitive in development fields, professional school, and industry.
Majors and Minors in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Choose Your Internship
GLOBE students have interned in over 35 countries on 5 continents working in ecology, agriculture production, health and human nutrition, education, agriculture development, engineering, and agriculture policy. The international eight-week internship is the highlight of many GLOBE students’ collegiate career.
Choose Your Senior Research Topic
Dairy farm models in Vietnam, Microfinance in Kenya, Ecotourism in Costa Rica. . . the list goes on.
Each GLOBE student completes an in-depth independent research project related to their technical area and world region during their senior year. The comprehensive project allows students to analyze how social, environmental, and economic systems interact related to the topic of their choice.